# mysql aspc
mysql> select a.name, s.name, s.account_no, s.start_date, s.end_date, s.period/86400, f.subscr_fee from subscr_base as s, bm_hp_fees as f , account as a where s.period=f.period and s.plan_id=f.hp_id and a.account_no=s.account_no
mysql> select s.country, v.ve_id,a.account_no,t.name,u.diskusage/1024 from subscr_ve as v, ve_statistics as u, account as a,address as s,subscr_base as t where a.address_id=s.address_id and (s.country=“CA” or s.country=“US” or s.country=“BR”) and a.account_no=t.account_no and u.ve_id=v.ve_id and v.subscr_id=t.subscr_id and t.status=1 and u.diskusage/1024 < 450 order by u.diskusage/1024;
mysql> select s.country, v.ve_id,a.account_no,t.name,u.diskusage/1024 from subscr_ve as v, ve_statistics as u, account as a,address as s,subscr_base as t where a.address_id=s.address_id and (s.country=“CA” or s.country=“US” or s.country=“BR”) and a.account_no=t.account_no and u.ve_id=v.ve_id and v.subscr_id=t.subscr_id and t.status=1 and u.diskusage/1024 < 450 order by u.diskusage/1024;
mysql> select a.name, a.admin_email from subscr_ve as v, ve_statistics as u, account as a,address as s,subscr_base as t where a.address_id=s.address_id and (s.country=“CA” or s.country=“US” or s.country=“BR”) and a.account_no=t.account_no and u.ve_id=v.ve_id and v.subscr_id=t.subscr_id and t.status=1 and u.diskusage/1024 < 450 order by u.diskusage/1024;
mysql>select ve_id,hw_id,ip_address from ve_status where hw_id>21 and ip_address not like '67.29.%';
mysql>select a.ve_id,c.name from ve_status as a, subscr_ve as b,subscr_base as c where b.subscr_id=c.subscr_id and a.ve_id=b.ve_id and c.name like '%hspc%';